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Improve your website with an audit from Bottrell Media

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Our talented team of web designers can make sure your website is doing the best it can to grab your potential customers’ attention! Whether you are a new or existing business, we can provide expert advice and tips for your website to improve it’s performance. Send us your website brief today for a no obligation quote!

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Finding the strengths and weaknesses of your sites is the best way to know how to improve your site to gain more clients.

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Why have a website audit?

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A website audit will point out the strengths and weaknesses of your website, which is the most important step to improving your online presence. Self checking your own site can get rid of a lot of errors, but a website audit will mean a pair of fresh and trained eyes will be looking at your site to determine what is working well and where improvements can be made. In online marketing, what is being done well is just as important to know as what isn’t as it shows what your customers are responding to. Knowing this will determine what content you should focus on in the future.

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What is a website audit?

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A website audit is deep dive into your website to check it’s readability and design as well as to find errors such as broken links, spelling errors or colour blending.

Website audits will also inform you of technical issues like SEO, ease of navigation and lead conversion. Back end infrastructure and site layout is a vital feature of website design that is often overlooked.

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How can it fix my site issues?

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A website audit will help your site to perform its best by allowing you to fix problematic areas. For example, when building a website it is common to build extra pages that you don’t end up needing. These have an impact on the performance of your site such as slow loading times, non-functional page links or links taking the user to the wrong pages. This can negatively effect the user’s experience and cause them to avoid your site in the future.

Having an audit performed by an expert to check through everything can fix many issues that may go unnoticed.

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Lead conversion and website auditing

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Turning a visitor on your site into a paying client isn’t always an easy process and it can be made even harder by poorly optimised website landing pages. Optimising lead conversion can involve improving landing pages, such as setting up your external links to take the user to a specific page that relates to the context of the initial link rather than your general home page. Having poorly optimised landing pages can lead the user to think your site may not be the best source of information for their needs, but having them land on a topic-specific page can show the depth of information you can provide.

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Benefits of a website audit.

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There are many benefits to having your website audited. Having a trained expert look at your site will find areas that are working efficiently as well as areas of issues that may need fixing or editing. Even just having a pair of external eyes looking at the site from a customer’s point of view can give valuable insight into what does and does not work.

Auditing your website takes the guess work out of finding what needs to be improved and want doesn’t.

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